U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Strategic Plan for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health, Human Services, and Public Health


1. Core Analysis
This document, the "U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Strategic Plan for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health, Human Services, and Public Health", outlines HHS’s strategic vision for integrating AI across various health-related domains. The plan acknowledges AI's potential to revolutionize healthcare, human services, and public health, while emphasizing the need for responsible and ethical AI deployment. It sets four key goals for achieving its objectives: catalyzing AI innovation, promoting trustworthy AI development, democratizing access to AI technologies, and cultivating AI-empowered workforces. The plan is structured around seven primary domains: medical research, medical product development, healthcare delivery, human services delivery, public health, cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection, and internal operations. Each domain is analyzed in terms of its context, stakeholders, opportunities, trends, risks, and an action plan. The plan emphasizes the need for a multi-faceted approach to harnessing the potential of AI, including the strategic use of policies, regulations, partnerships, and investments, and it encourages participation from diverse stakeholders, ranging from government entities and private sector partners to patients and communities. The document also highlights the importance of data quality, equity, transparency, and ongoing evaluations in the use of AI. It outlines specific actions and aims to facilitate AI adoption in key sectors and is designed to help navigate the complex landscape of AI in health and human services, ensuring that the technology is used responsibly, ethically, and effectively. The plan further provides a framework for agencies to collaborate and align their efforts in the application of AI, and it aims to create an environment that encourages innovation while maintaining safety and equity. Ultimately, HHS's strategic plan is a roadmap to integrate AI responsibly, improving health outcomes and access across various sectors.

* HHS outlines a strategic plan for AI use in health and human services.
* Four key goals focus on innovation, trustworthy AI, access, and workforce development.
* Seven core domains cover different facets of the health sector.
* AI risks and benefits are considered within each area.
* A multi-faceted approach is key, using policy, partnerships, and research.

* The emphasis on ethical AI development and equitable access is central, not just an afterthought.
* The framework considers a wide array of stakeholders, not just technical experts.
* The plan aims to empower both providers and recipients of services through AI.
* The document calls for transparency and robust evaluation mechanisms to maintain integrity.
* The plan acknowledges the dynamic nature of AI technology, necessitating ongoing revisions.

2. Important Citations and Translations
原文1:At HHS, we are optimistic about the transformational potential of AI. These technologies hold an unparalleled ability to drive innovation by accelerating scientific breakthroughs, improving medical product safety and effectiveness, improving health outcomes through care delivery, increasing access to human services, and optimizing public health. However, our optimism is tempered with a deep sense of responsibility. We need to ensure that Americans are safeguarded from risks. Deployment and adoption of AI should benefit the American people, and we must hold stakeholders across the ecosystem accountable to achieve this goal. Al creates vast opportunities to improve our country's health and human services and better serve the American people, and HHS is already taking active steps to motivate the ethical and responsible use of AI so that it might improve people's lives. (page 5)



原文2:This Strategic Plan defines AI as outlined in section 5002(3) of the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act (15 U.S.C. 9401(3)): a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. Within this definition, AI can take many forms. In the healthcare sector, basic algorithms for performing tasks or solving problems have been widely used for decades. Advances in Al and machine learning (ML) capabilities are strengthening algorithms to go beyond narrow rules and become more predictive and general by analyzing or “learning” from available data to tailor model output more precisely to the characteristics of a specific individual or subpopulation. Generative AI (GenAI), another type of AI, refers to technologies that analyze and learn from data to create (“generate”) something new, such as data, text, images, sounds, or other types of information. (page 6)

翻译:本战略计划将人工智能定义为《国家人工智能倡议法》(15 U.S.C. 9401(3))第5002(3)条所概述的:一种基于机器的系统,在给定一组人为定义的目标的情况下,可以做出影响真实或虚拟环境的预测、建议或决策。在此定义下,人工智能可以采取多种形式。在医疗保健领域,用于执行任务或解决问题的基本算法已经广泛使用了数十年。人工智能和机器学习(ML)能力的进步正在加强算法,使其通过分析或从可用数据中“学习”,从而超越狭隘的规则,变得更具预测性和通用性,从而更精确地定制模型输出以适应特定个人或亚人群的特征。生成式人工智能(GenAI),另一种人工智能类型,指的是分析和学习数据以创建(“生成”)新事物的技术,例如数据、文本、图像、声音或其他类型的信息。


原文3:AI has or will directly or indirectly affect every American’s experience in health and human services. Therefore, Al development should take a “human-centered design" approach that ensures it focuses on providing real benefits for people who use or receive services supported by AI. (page 7)



3. Reading Notes
【分类1】:AI 战略规划的核心
#AI战略 #公共卫生 #创新 #责任 #领导力 #美国

【分类2】:AI 在不同领域的应用
#AI应用 #医疗 #公共卫生 #人类服务 #网络安全 #内部运营

【分类3】:AI 风险与挑战
#AI风险 #伦理 #数据安全 #偏见 #透明度 #问责制 #生化安全

4. Data Visualization
关键点 1: 主要领域在 HHS 价值链中的位置
文本描述了七个主要领域,这些领域构成 HHS 的价值链。这可以通过一个简单的流程图可视化,以箭头表示流动,将七个领域并列:医疗研究与发现 -> 医疗产品开发、安全与有效性 -> 医疗保健交付 -> 人力服务交付 -> 公共卫生,同时突出强调横跨所有领域的支持性功能:网络安全和关键基础设施保护和内部运营
  医疗研究和发现 -> 医疗产品开发,安全和有效性 -> 医疗保健交付 -> 人力服务交付 -> 公共卫生
关键点 2: 目标与结构
  愿景 -> 目的 -> 催化AI创新 -> 促进可信AI -> 普及AI -> 培养AI劳动力
     |--医疗研究和发现--| |--医疗产品开发--| |--医疗保健交付--| |--人力服务交付--| |--公共卫生--|
关键点 3: AI 的机会
AI 的机会,如加速科学突破、提高医疗产品安全性、改善临床结果、增进公平性和更快的风险预测,可以用一系列相互关联的图标表示,每个图标对应一个机会。
示例图表描述2: 可以用一个包含不同形状或颜色编码的简单列表来描绘这些机会。
  [加速科学突破] [提高医疗产品安全性] [改善临床结果] [增进公平性] [更快的风险预测]

5. Mind Map

├── 核心愿景
│ └── 成为全球领导者
│ └── 创新、负责任地采用AI
│ └── 提升福祉
├── 战略目的
│ └── 框架与路线图
│ └── 履行义务、开创AI
├── 四大关键目标
│ ├── 催化AI创新与应用
│ │ └── 解锁新方法
│ ├── 促进可信AI发展
│ │ └── 避免潜在危害
│ ├── 普及AI技术资源
│ │ └── 促进可访问性
│ └── 培养AI驱动的劳动力
│ └── 有效安全地使用AI
├── 主要领域
│ ├── 医疗研究与发现
│ ├── 医疗产品开发、安全与有效性
│ ├── 医疗保健服务
│ ├── 人力服务交付
│ └── 公共卫生
├── 附加领域
│ ├── 网络安全与关键基础设施
│ └── 内部运营
├── 行动计划
│ └── 每个领域详细规划
├── 核心利益相关者
│ ├── 政府机构
│ ├── 私营部门
│ ├── 学术界和研究机构
│ ├── 患者和社区
│ └── 其他利益相关者
└── 关键挑战
├── 数据质量
├── 偏见与公平
├── 隐私与安全
├── 可解释性
└── 生化安全

6. 文章核心问题问答
问题1:HHS 在其 AI 战略计划中如何定义 AI?
回答:HHS 在其战略计划中,根据《国家人工智能倡议法》第 5002(3) 条定义 AI,将其描述为“一种基于机器的系统,在给定一组人为定义的目标的情况下,可以做出影响真实或虚拟环境的预测、建议或决策。” (page 6)

问题2:HHS 战略计划的主要目标是什么?
回答:HHS 战略计划的主要目标包括:1) 催化卫生 AI 的创新和采用,以解锁改善人们生活的新方法;2) 促进值得信赖的 AI 开发以及道德和负责任的使用,以避免潜在的危害;3) 将 AI 技术和资源民主化,以促进访问;以及 4) 培养 AI 支持的劳动力和组织文化,以有效和安全地使用 AI。(page 10)

问题3:该战略计划如何解决 AI 实施中的伦理问题?
回答:该战略计划强调了以人为中心的设计、公平性、透明度以及负责任的 AI 使用。该计划包括多项旨在缓解数据偏差、保护隐私以及确保问责制的行动。此外,该计划概述了 FAVES 原则,这些原则为评估 AI 开发和使用提供了一个框架。(page 7, page 12)

7. 行动与改变
读者可以采取的一个具体步骤是,更深入地研究文章中讨论的 FAVES 原则,并尝试将这些原则应用到他们自己的 AI 相关项目中,以确保 AI 的使用是公平、适当、有效和安全的。


8. 关键术语解释
* **Generative AI (GenAI)**: 一种 AI,指分析和学习数据以创建新内容的 AI 技术,例如文本、图像或声音。
* **FAVES Principles**: 公平 (Fair)、适当 (Appropriate)、有效 (Valid)、高效 (Effective)、安全 (Safe),旨在为评估医疗保健和人类服务中高品质 AI 的开发和使用提供框架原则。
* **TEFCA™**: Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement,一个全国性的框架,旨在促进医疗信息的安全和互操作性交换。
* **SDOH**: Social determinants of health, 影响个人健康结果的社会和经济因素。

9. 发散联想
读完 HHS 的这份关于 AI 的战略计划,我想到了一个更广泛的社会问题:在技术快速发展的时代,如何在追求效率的同时,保持对人性的尊重,和对公平的保障。这不仅仅局限于医疗领域,也存在于教育、金融,甚至娱乐等各个领域。AI 的强大能力可以放大我们的优势,但也可能暴露我们的弱点。正如作者强调的“人本设计”概念,我们需要在技术进步的同时,始终将人类的需求放在中心位置,确保技术进步能真正地改善所有人的生活,而不是仅仅造福一小部分人。AI 的发展不应加速社会固有的不平等,而是利用技术创新去弥合这些差距。同时也要谨防AI工具被滥用或导致负面的社会效应,这些都是值得深入探讨和进一步完善的。


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